This is my final project for the end of the Semester.

The Thing that I choose to do is A small buniess own by someone in my family

The person who owns that business is my Aunt Mary Alice. She owns a small frith store in Jackson Michigan called 4UBYU. She has owned this business for over 10 years and she sells a lot a stuff basically. She is the only one on my Dad´s side that owns ther own business. My Aunt Mary Alice is Christian and she like s helping people in need of stuff so everything in her store is donated through other people that don´t need stuff so she has been selling stuff to people that don´t have th suff and they really need it. My Mary Alice is a good person and she gives thing people in need and loves doing it. She has always been good sales lady and she likes working there, but before the store was in Jackson it was in another palce.

My Aunt has always been apart of her stored and many people like going there because the way that see helps out here costomers with anything they need during their shoping time in her store. I go their sometimes to help her with my dad. She follows only one rule in her store which is the costomers is always right. During the next Summer she is planning to get her floor fixed because there is a big dip in her stores floor. She has a variety of stuff.
